Thursday, March 16, 2023

Be careful when you think someone is ignorant.

 A while back, I had someone send me an email regarding one of my manuscripts.

They said that they thought the ENDING of the trick would have been better if I'd used the .... let's call it THE ENIGMA PRINCIPLE.

And I very honestly said.   "I don't know what the ENIGMA PRINCIPLE is.  Could you explain?"

And my correspondent replied that it was.....and to keep secrets, I won't spill exactly what he said.  

Later, on a forum board I found this person insinuating that I wasn't very bright/good at magic since I didn't know the principle.

Suffice it to say that I DID indeed know the principle, I just didn't know the name of it.

And the reason that I didn't know the name of it is because I had no interest in it, since it was one of the LEAST magical ways of doing something that I could imagine.

This principle was a process-heavy, SLOOOOW, plodding way of accomplishing what is a very simple task.

True, it was self-working, and my way wasn't.   But my way required a bare minimum of skill to achieve, so I'm really curious as to the skill level of the other magician.

It saddens me that magicians think this way.


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