Saturday, March 18, 2023

Yes, I'm an idiot also

 I occasionally purchase magic DVDs.   Much prefer books, but occasionally there'll be either a sale, or some particular information that I want that is best presented in graphic format.

And most of the time, I'll flip through the DVD and watch just the part I'm interested in.   I'll especially do this if I'm conversant with the rest of the DVDs' contents.

This is stupid.   This was driven home recently.

Years ago, I picked up the Johnny Thompson 4 DVD set "Johnny Thompson's Commercial Classics of Magic".

And I super-briefly scrolled through them, concentrating mainly on my lunch, since I knew so much of the material already.

Well, after my finding that the CUTTING THE ACES routine was HUGELY different from what I knew, I decided to watch all 4 volumes.   And actually pay attention.

I ended up with a list of about a dozen items....11 of which I already "knew".   And these items contained hints and tips, and tiny pointers that I would never have come up with on my own in a million years.

And it's these hints and tips and pointers that elevate a trick.   Maybe not a ton, but I'll accept anything I can get.

For example - THE ENDLESS CHAIN game.  Used to do this myself.  Rarely though, since there's no ending for it, and I couldn't figure one out.

Mr. Thompson did.  And when I saw it, I almost wept.   So obvious.  So "of course."  And so beyond my thinking.   THIS ONE BIT has made the trick performable.  What's THAT WORTH!?!?!?!?

And even worse was the trick called "The Travelers - Card in Envelope".   I've known about this trick for years.   I hated the entire idea of it, since about 1/2 the sleight of hand....and there's a ton....but about 1/2 wouldn't fool Mr. Magoo in a dark room.

Well.    I stand corrected.

The moves - correctly done - flew past myself and my wife.

I knew the move had to have been done...but darned if I could see it.

Now, I'll be spending the next few months updating my skills and my thinking.

Because I'm an idiot.   And I bet you are too!

Friday, March 17, 2023

If you want a fresh way of looking at your art, may I recommend a book?

 The book in question is UNDERSTANDING COMICS (The invisible art) by SCOTT McCLOUD.

It's a book on comics.  Like Doonesbury, Peanuts, or Family Circle, not people that tell jokes.

And it's a tour-de-force analysis of comics.  How they're made, how the mind processes the language of comics, and even what happens between the frames of a comic.

It's an attempt to discover the universal process that allows the human mind to see a human face in a simple 2 dots and 1 line icon.  😑

And it makes you realize (hopefully) that you are saying things with your magic that you don't know about.

Which makes you think (hopefully) about those unspoken things and how to make them work to make your magic stronger, more impactful, and entertaining.

And even if this book doesn't inspire you as it does me, it certainly is an educational and fun read.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Be careful when you think someone is ignorant.

 A while back, I had someone send me an email regarding one of my manuscripts.

They said that they thought the ENDING of the trick would have been better if I'd used the .... let's call it THE ENIGMA PRINCIPLE.

And I very honestly said.   "I don't know what the ENIGMA PRINCIPLE is.  Could you explain?"

And my correspondent replied that it was.....and to keep secrets, I won't spill exactly what he said.  

Later, on a forum board I found this person insinuating that I wasn't very bright/good at magic since I didn't know the principle.

Suffice it to say that I DID indeed know the principle, I just didn't know the name of it.

And the reason that I didn't know the name of it is because I had no interest in it, since it was one of the LEAST magical ways of doing something that I could imagine.

This principle was a process-heavy, SLOOOOW, plodding way of accomplishing what is a very simple task.

True, it was self-working, and my way wasn't.   But my way required a bare minimum of skill to achieve, so I'm really curious as to the skill level of the other magician.

It saddens me that magicians think this way.


Sunday, March 5, 2023


 As a programmer/director type during my work career, I really learned to hate yet appreciate what it takes to organize a project.

You have to find the right staff, figure out the right solution, schedule resources, and break your solution down into small manageable pieces.

And while doing this, you have to create status reports, track progress, allow for unexpected bumps in the road, etc.

And here I am...fully retired...doing this crap again.

The Omaha Magical Society is trying to create a 1 hour(ish) video to give to hospitals to show their patients.

So the video needs to be upbeat, full of magic, and do this without having the actual audience present, no laugh tracks, and not even any volunteers.

And so I'm trying to find the right performers with the right material that can hit their marks and time slots without causing a it for free.

Herding cats is easy.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Some magic...some not

 It's pretty much every day that I think of magic.   Many days I actually play around with ideas and props.  Some days are all rehearsal.

Some days...not so much.

Take today.   Doing taxes, laundry, getting supplies for the dogs, taking care of emails.   Not much time for magic.

But it does make me realize just how much work it takes to keep your life running smoothly, so why do I sometime bemoan how hard it is sometimes to make your ACT run smoothly.

You've got planning, preparation, thinking ahead, documentation, and scut work in real life.

Why wouldn't I have this in magic?

And I do.  

But it's still early (15:00), and I've only really got 2 non-magic related tasks left, so I'll be getting some time in.

Unfortunately, it's the part I hate.   Writing a prologue to a small lecture I'll be doing.  Blech!   Fortunately, I should be able to hit this out in about an hour.

....while doing laundry!