Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ah, the lovely internet....

 In a vague effort to push my website more, I decided to pick a more generic URL ( www.BestOmahaMagician.com) and have it redirect to my website ( www.LarryBrodahl.com ).

Well, of course nothing is that simple.  I went to my hosting company, looked over the instructions for doing a redirect, as it's called....seemed simple.

Purchased a domain name.    And THEN found out that the plan I had with the hosting company did NOT support redirection.

Argh!   Lovely time to find that out.

And they couldn't refund the domain cost, as that money goes to a DIFFERENT company that handles the DNS.

Fortunately for me, they understood the issues involved, and have worked with me to get this straightened out.

So, within 2 days BestOmahaMagician.com should redirect seamlessly to LarryBrodahl.com

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